Pangle s Getting a Makeover!

When Pangle started in 2017 as a small but elite team, we never imagined it d take just two years to become one of the leading advertising platforms providing services across Asia and MENAT regions – but that s exactly what happened. And since 2019, we ve expanded our full-speed growth to the global stage.

We re proud of what we ve accomplished, and we re ready to push the platform even further. So today, we re introducing an all-new branding identity for Pangle. Building on the core values you ve come to know us by, we re bringing you even more to love.

Why are we making this change now?

We ve seen a greater mission ahead, and realized that every decision we ve ever made has in fact lined up with this mission –

to spark productivity and creativity in mobile development

and drive developers growth worldwide.

Our branding decisions have to evolve along with this newly defined mission and help us stand out as a clear choice for developers.

What s the story behind our new identity?

Pangle has always been a place where apps can grow and thrive, and a source of support for developers of all kinds. Originally, we focused on providing resources for user acquisition and ad monetization. As we came to deeply understand how diverse users needs can be, and the potential for mobile apps to serve them better, we felt compelled to empower the creation of even more great apps. On our way to becoming the trusted partner of developers worldwide, we re expanding to encompass a full range of professional, targeted solutions for mobile app growth.

We ve taken on this redefined mission with a vision in mind: to empower developers and work together toward a thriving mobile development world. In service of our mission and vision, we ve committed to being:


Open and inclusive.

Straightforward and practical.

Flexible and innovative.

What does the new identity mean?

To introduce the meaning of our new identity, we invite you to watch this short video:

What defines our new look?

Our new logo features simple geometric shapes that form the profile of a pangolin. The upward inclination of the shapes in the logo symbolizes our never-ending commitment to growing, innovating, and thriving.

As for color, our branding has always centered on red. We chose this color to represent our passion for progress and creativity. Red continues to dominate in our new identity, but it s now a brighter red, accented with blue to symbolize our leading technology and green to symbolize a flourishing mobile ecosystem. These additions bring deeper meaning to our visual identity, along with a fresher and more high-tech vibe.

Rounding out our new identity are our core visual elements, starting with an open door made of two diamond shapes taken from our logo. This element symbolizes Pangle and developers working together toward shared success. Following the same logic, we ve arranged other basic shapes in a similar way to form a collection of memorable Pangle patterns.

Ultimately, our greatest hope for our new identity is that it will fully reflect our new mission and what makes us unique. By better expressing our values and better communicating our goals through this identity, we aim to better serve the mobile development world.

You ll see this new logo and other visual elements roll out across our website, social media, newsletter, and ad icon soon. We hope you enjoy the new look!
