
App Open Ads


App Open Ads constitute a distinctive ad format that caters to publishers seeking to monetize their app load screens. These ads are strategically positioned to be exhibited when your users switch to your app and may be terminated at any point.


Create an app and App Open ad placement on the Pangle platform

App Open Ads Implementation

The main steps to integrate App Open ads are:

  • Set the host app icon
  • Create the object of PAGOpenAdRequest
  • Load an ad and register PAGAppOpenAdLoadListener callback
  • Register PAGAppOpenAdInteractionListener callback
  • Show the ad
  • Destroy Ad

Set Host APPIcon

Please set the host app icon when initializing the Pangle SDK

Tips: Please follow the code below to set the app icon, otherwise the icon image won't be displayed in the App open ad.

Create the PAGOpenAdRequest Object

PAGOpenAdRequest is an Ad Loading Manager. It is recommended to be the member variable of the Activity. This class can configure the load timeout period.

Load an ad and Register PAGAppOpenAdLoadListener callback

Use the method of PAGAppOpenAd to load the ad, and register the callback.

The description of PAGAppOpenAdLoadListener




This method is invoked when an ad fails to load. It includes an error parameter of type Error that indicates what type of failure occurred. For more information, refer to the ErrorCode section.


This method is executed when an ad material is loaded successfully.

Register Ad Event Callback

Ad event callbacks need to be registered before displaying an ad. Each method in the event callback corresponds to an event in the ad lifecycle.

The description of PAGAppOpenAdInteractionListener callback




This method is invoked when the ad is displayed, covering the device's screen.


This method is invoked when the ad is clicked by the user.


This method is invoked when the ad disappears.

Show Ad

An instance of the PAGAppOpenAd object will be returned when the ad is loaded successfully. Call the show()method of PAGInterstitialAd to render the ad and it needs to pass into activity.

Destroy Ad

Destroy advertisements in time to avoid memory leaks.

Test with test ads

Now you have finished the integration. If you wanna test your apps, make sure you use test ads rather than live, production ads. The easiest way to load test ads is to use test mode. It's been specially configured to return test ads for every request, and you're free to use it in your own apps while coding, testing, and debugging.

Refer to the How to add a test device? to add your device to the test devices on the Pangle platform.