Brand Safety Center

Proactively protecting your brand integrity

At Pangle, we are committed to nurturing safe and suitable environments for you to grow, connect, and succeed, all while staying aligned with your brand values.

For Publishers

Your platform should be a welcoming space displaying only ads that are safe and acceptable to your brand's core values.

At Pangle, we adopt strict guidelines for ad placements to keep your brand image positive and trustworthy.

Our Policies

We practice rigorous adherence to our regularly updated policies that are put in place to ensure high standards of propriety in advertising, content, and all digital properties.

Click the links below to learn more about our commitments:

Ad Review

Take full control of what ads may appear on your media platforms with our Ad Review feature for publishers.

With an array of tools to block, monitor, analyze data, and search/filter, you can ensure that your users are shown only the safe and appropriate ads that you allow.

For Advertisers

When you place ads through Pangle, it becomes our responsibility to see that the traffic you receive is authentic, safe, and in high quality. That's why we work so diligently to make sure your ads are not associated with unsuitable or harmful traffic.

Traffic Security

We invest heavily in maintaining the effectiveness of our system with a combination of manual review and technological innovations.To improve your advertising experience, our solutions:

  • Verify traffic sources
  • Identify and intercept suspicious activity in real-time
  • Filter and block malicious apps and traffic
  • We listen and act
  • Continuous improvement

Media Transparency

We are committed to being an effective and trusted advertising platform for advertisers globally.With useful features such as Publisher List, Delivery Report, and Block List, you get greater control in protecting your brand the way you want.

  • Publisher List
  • Delivery Report
  • Block List

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