Pangle: A global platform dedicated to developer growth.|지식센터
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Tax Information of Bytedance Pte. Ltd.

According to the new GST levy regulations for advertising business in Singapore from January 1, 2023, if your entity is registered in Singapore, you may be subject to 8% Singapore Goods and Services Tax (GST) when you provide advertising services to Singapore customers.

Please refer to the following template to issue a Tax Invoice and log in to the Pangle platform and click on the "?" button on the bottom right corner of the page to submit details. Payment will be made after Pangle has received a valid Tax Invoice.

Note: The following items on the tax invoice must be converted into Singapore dollars with exchange rate:

  • Total amount payable excluding GST
  • Total amount payable including GST
  • Total GST payable

For example:

Below is Pangle's billing information,

Company Name: Bytedance Pte. Ltd.

Billing Address:

1 Raffles Quay, #26-10,

South Tower,

Singapore 048583

GST Number: 201923456H