Rewarded Video is an immersive, full-screen video advertisement that presents a value proposition to users by providing incentives upon watching the video. With Pangle's robust rewarded video ad offerings, publishers can tailor their ads to a variety of formats that best suit their specific needs. At present, the forms of Pangle rewarded video ads can:
Create an app and reward video ad placement on the Pangle platform
: Select the orientation of the video.Reward amount
: Enter the number of reward items the user will receive. Must be a whole number.Reward item
: Enter the name of the reward item the user will receive. Examples: Coins, extra livesReward deliver setting
: Validate each completed rewarded video ad view by the third-party server and ensure you're only rewarding users who have actually finished watching the video in your app.Loading an ad is accomplished using the load()
method in the PAGRewardedAd
class. The load()
method requires an ad slot id, an instance object of PAGRewardedRequest
, and a PAGRewardedAdLoadListener
to be notified when ad loading succeeds or fails. The loaded PAGRewardedAd
object is provided as a parameter in the success callback.
is an Ad Loading Manager. It is recommended to be the member variable of the Activity.
PAGRewardedRequest request = new PAGRewardedRequest();
callbackUse the method of PAGRewardedAd to load the ad, and register the PAGRewardedAdLoadListener callback.
new PAGRewardedAdLoadListener() {
public void onError(int code, String message) {
public void onAdLoaded(PAGRewardedAd rewardedAd) {
Note: After the waterfall rewarded Ad is displayed or closed, Pangle SDK will automatically start a new ad request for the next display chance, please turn off the self-built Pre-loading logic.
callbackPAGRewardedAdLoadListener | description |
onError | This method is invoked when an ad fails to load. It includes an error parameter of type Error that indicates what type of failure occurred. For more information, refer to the ErrorCode section |
onAdLoaded | This method is executed when an ad material is loaded successfully. |
Ad event callbacks need to be registered before displaying an ad. Each method in the event callback corresponds to an event in the ad lifecycle.
rewardedAd.setAdInteractionListener(new PAGRewardedAdInteractionListener(){
public void onAdShowed() {
public void onAdClicked() {
public void onAdDismissed() {
public void onUserEarnedReward(PAGRewardItem item) {
public void onUserEarnedRewardFail(int errorCode, String errorMsg) {
PAGRewardedAdInteractionListener | description |
onAdShowed | This method is invoked when the ad is displayed, covering the device's screen. |
onAdClicked | This method is invoked when the ad is clicked by the user. |
onAdDismissed | This method is invoked when the ad disappears. |
onUserEarnedReward | The method is invoked when the user should be rewarded. |
onUserEarnedRewardFail | The method is invoked when the user rewarded failed. |
An instance of the PAGRewardedAd object will be returned when the ad is loaded successfully. Call the show()
method of PAGRewardedAd to render the ad and it needs to pass in activity, and it must be called in the main thread.
if (rewardedAd != null) {;
Upon completing the integration, it is essential to ensure that you test your app functionality prior to launching it to end users. It is highly recommended that you employ test ads rather than live ads.
To facilitate the testing process, Pangle offers a "test mode" that is specifically designed to generate test ads for every request. You can seamlessly implement this mode in your app during the coding, testing, and debugging phase, and gain confidence that your app's ad functionality is fully operational before deploying it to end users.
Refer to the How to add a test device? to add your device to the test devices on the Pangle platform.
//optional. If the client needs to pass parameters to the server through the SDK, it can call the SDK API.
PAGRewardedRequest request = new PAGRewardedRequest();
Map map = new HashMap();
//The key is the fixed value media_extra,value is a string
Note: Server-side verification is not necessary. Server-side verification acts as an additional layer of validation for rewarded ad views in your app. It’s performed in addition to the standard client-side callback. You can use server-side verification to validate each completed rewarded video ad view and ensure you're only rewarding users who have actually finished watching the video in your app.
The server-side verification callback will append query parameters to your postback URL describing the rewarded video interaction:trans_id=%s&reward_name=%s&reward_amount=%d&extra=%s&sign=%s
Field Name | Field Definition | Field Type | Remarks |
sign | signSignature of the request | string | The signature of the request guarantees security |
trans_id | Transaction id | string | Unique transaction ID for completing viewing the ad |
reward_amount | number of rewards | int | Pangle platform configuration |
reward_name | Name of rewards | string | Pangle platform configuration |
extra | Extra | string | Call SDK input and pass-through, leave it empty if not needed. |
: The key you get for adding rewarded video ad code bit on the Pangle NetworktransId
: transaction idsign
: sha256(appSecurityKey:transId)Python sample:
import hashlib
if __name__ == "__main__":
trans_id = "6FEB23ACB0374985A2A52D282EDD5361u6643"
app_security_key = "7ca31ab0a59d69a42dd8abc7cf2d8fbd"
check_sign_raw = "%s:%s" % (app_security_key, trans_id)
sign = hashlib.sha256(check_sign_raw).hexdigest()
Returns json data with the following fields:
Field Definition | Field Name | Field Type | Remarks |
isValid | Validation result | BOOL | determines the result, whether to award or not |
"isValid": true