Pangle: A global platform dedicated to developer growth.|実装ガイド

Information needed for troubleshooting

In our daily troubleshooting, there are many scenarios where developers need to provide relevant request information or advertising materials to us to locate problems. The following instructions will explain how to get Charles Proxy logs or obtain effective logs.Usage scenarios include but are not limited to the following scenarios:

  • Ads are not filled and the error code is 400xx or 20001.
  • The ad is showing abnormally
  • Ads need to be blocked
  • Ads complaint

There are two ways to provide us with effective information

Plan A: Provide Charles Proxy log

Step 1: Client configuration

Please ignore step 1 for iOS devices

Configure the network_config.xml file in Android Studio

Then update the AndroidManifest.xml file to use the configuration.

Step 2: Proxy configuration

1. Settings on Charles

a. Go to Proxy > SSL Proxying Settings, select Enable SSL Proxying and click Add, then add * and *:443 and click OK.b. Go to Help > SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate and then install this certificate.

2. Settings on Android devices (if you are using iOS devices, please go to step 3)

a. Click Settings > Wi-Fi and select your Wi-Fi network.b. Click the Show advanced options.c. Choose Proxy settings, select the manual option, and enter the IP address from your desktop/laptop in the Proxy hostname field. Then enter 8888 in the Proxy port field. Then save it.d. Using your phone and then browsers to to download and install the certificate.e. You should see an alert asking if you want to allow your mobile device to connect to Charles. Select Allow.

3. Settings on iOS devices (if you are using Android devices, please go to step 2)

a. Click Settings > Wi-Fi and select your Wi-Fi network.b. Select HTTP Proxy, and then click the manual buttonc. enter the IP address from your desktop/laptop in the host field. Then enter 8888 in the port field. Then save it.d. Using your phone and then browsers to to download and install the certificate.e. You should see an alert asking if you want to allow your mobile device to connect to Charles. Select Allow.

4. Start to test the application and try to request ads.

Step 3: Checking Charles Proxy log

The validity of the log can be verified by searching for the Pangle field related to settings or get_ads in the path



Notice: If you are using bidding ads, it won't have the get_ads log.

Step 4: Necessary information

Please send us the following information to locate the problems.

  1. Application ID and placement ID
  2. The Charles proxy log
  3. It would be better if you can send GAID or IDFA to us together.

Plan B: Provide a verbose log

Step 1: Add additional code

For Android

After you initialize the Pangle's SDK, please add two lines

  • V46 and above


  • V45 and belowTTAdSdk.getAdManager().openDebugMode()TTAdSdk.getAdManager().debugLog(1)And try to request an adYou can see the log printed by pangle in the console
For iOS

We only support this function in version and above, please make sure that your SDK version is above

[[PAGConfig shareConfig] setDebugLog:YES];

Step 2: Necessary information

Please send us the following information to locate the problems.

  1. Application ID and placement ID
  2. The complete log output from the Android console
  3. It would be better if you can send GAID or IDFA to us together.

Plan C: Click Pangle's Logo

By using this function, you need to update Pangle SDK to v45 and above

Step 1: Click Pangle's Logo

Step 2: Jump to the Privacy Policy website, then click the button ···

Step 3: Copy the information and save it as a txt file then send it to us