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Integration Docs

Pangle Supply Policy

Last updated: 26th May 2023


This Pangle Supply Policy (“Policy”) governs and specifies the standard for any digital properties, inventory, traffic made available to Pangle. If you are a registered partner of Pangle, this Policy forms part of your agreement with Pangle. In the event that there is any inconsistency between the provisions in your agreement with Pangle and the provisions in this Policy, the provisions in your agreement with Pangle prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


In general, the following types of digital properties are not supported at Pangle:

  • apps that are neither listed on App Store nor Google Play;
    • Note: in order to avoid any of your apps being mistakenly categorised as unlisted apps, please inform us as soon as possible if the downloading URL of your app has been updated.
  • apps that provide VPN services; and
  • digital properties that do not have any meaningful content and have the sole purpose of serving ads to users.


2.1 What is invalid traffic

Invalid traffic is any interaction that does not come from a real person with genuine interest in the ad. This can include where publishers use or instruct any third party to use any means (whether manual or automated) to artificially inflate impressions, clicks, installs, purchases or any other relevant metrics. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

  • impressions and clicks generated by publishers themselves
  • repeated impressions & clicks within an unreasonably short timeframe
  • impressions and clicks generated by automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software
  • impressions and clicks generated by misleading or manipulative inventory design and set-up, for example:
    • designing the user journey in a way that mandates users to click on the ads before they can continue to use the app
  • impressions and clicks generated by certain fraudulent or dishonest incentives that encourage or reward users to click on ads
  • attribution manipulation or triggering an ad interaction without a user’s consent, such as forced downloading / installing / activating applications
  • altering Pangle's SDK to increase clicks or conversions

2.2 How to avoid invalid traffic

Our experts use a combination of automatic checks and manual review to monitor the quality of clicks and impressions in order to counter invalid traffic and seek to protect our advertisers from artificially inflated costs. Here are some ways you can help minimise invalid traffic:

  • Don't click on your own ads

Publishers should not click on their own ads. Please use our dedicated test ad inventory if you want to run any tests.

  • Don't ask other people to click on ads

Users should only have to click on an ad when they are interested in the products or services being promoted. Adopting certain mechanisms that seek to improperly encourage or induce users to click on an ad will not be accepted.

  • Understand your users and app environment

Review your app environment and user base on a regular basis to help detect any unusual activities or possible risks (such as unusual traffic spike).

  • Only work with reputable vendors and service providers

Work with reputable vendors and service providers who have in place robust anti-fraud strategies and mechanisms.

  • Inform us as soon as practicable, if you become aware of any activities that may result in invalid traffic.


You must ensure that ads are not displayed on digital properties which contain or promote or link to any content described below.

3.1 Violent Content

Violent content includes content that:

  • could threaten or incite violence, or promote individuals or organisations that are engaged in violence, including mass murderers, serial killers and rapists, hate groups, criminal organisations, terrorist organisations and other non-state armed groups that target civilians;
  • advocates for, directs, or encourages other people to commit violence;
  • demonstrates intent to inflict physical injuries on an individual or a group;
  • encourages others to commit (or that advocates for) violence;
  • encourages the use of or provides instructions on how to make or use weapons with an intent to incite violence; or
  • is gratuitously shocking, graphic, sadistic, or gruesome or that promotes, normalises, or glorifies extreme violence or suffering.

3.2 Sexual Content

Sexual content includes content that:

  • contains nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit content;
  • depicts or supports non-consensual sexual acts, the sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery, or adult sexual solicitation;
  • depicts or encourages abuses (or attempts to abuse) a position of vulnerability, power, or trust for sexual purposes, including profiting monetarily, socially, or politically from the sexual exploitation of another; or
  • is overtly revealing of breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks, or depicts behaviours that mimic, imply or display sex acts, including digitally created or manipulated content, of nudity or sexual activity.

3.3 Content that is Harmful to Minors

Content that is harmful to minors includes content that:

  • depicts, supports, promotes, or tolerates activities that perpetuate the abuse, harm, endangerment, or exploitation of minors;
  • depicts, supports, promotes, or tolerates any abuse of a position of power or trust in respect of minors for sexual purposes, including profiting financially, socially, sexually or politically from the exploitation of minors;
  • depicts sexually explicit nudity or conduct by minors, whether captured by predatory adults, peers or self-generated by minors;
  • depicts, supports, promotes, or tolerates grooming behaviours in which an adult builds an emotional relationship with a minor in order to gain the minors' trust for the purposes of future or ongoing sexual contact, sexual abuse, trafficking, or other exploitation including, flattery, requests for contact, requests for personal information, solicitation of minor sexual abuse material, sexual solicitations or comments, and gift-giving;
  • is overtly revealing of breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks, or depicts behaviours that mimic, imply or display sex acts involving minors, including digitally created or manipulated content, of nudity or sexual activity;
  • depicts, supports, or promotes the possession or consumption of substances prohibited for minors, the misuse of legal substances, engagement in illegal activities, participation in activities, physical challenges, or dares that may threaten the well-being of minors; or
  • depicts, supports, or promotes behaviours that place minors at risk of physical or psychological harm, including physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, and psychological disparagement.

3.4 Dangerous Content

Dangerous content includes content that:

  • depicts, promotes, normalises, or glorifies activities that could lead to suicide, self-harm or eating disorders;
  • displays suicide, suicidal ideation or content that might encourage participation in other self-injurious behaviour; or
  • depicts, promotes, normalises or glorifies acts conducted in a non-professional context or without the necessary skills and safety precautions, that may lead to serious injury or death for the user or the public, including amateur stunts or dangerous challenges.

3.5 Abusive Content

Abusive content includes content that:

  • shames, bullies or harasses;
  • is abusive or causes severe psychological distress;
  • includes expressions of abuse, including threats or degrading statements intended to mock, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate or hurt an individual;
  • depicts or features unwanted or inappropriate sexual behaviour directed at another individual, including comments or advances, that sexually harasses others; or
  • threatens to hack or dox with the intent to harass or blackmail another individual, or collects and publishes personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) for malicious purposes.

3.6 Hateful Content

Hateful content includes content that attacks, threatens, incites violence against, disparages, demonstrates clear hostility towards, or otherwise dehumanises an individual or a group on the basis of the following protected attributes: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, age, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, serious disease, disability and immigration status.

3.7 Illegal Content

Illegal content includes content that:

  • violates (or promotes or enables the violation of) laws or regulations; or
  • depicts, promotes, or facilitates criminal activities, including human exploitation, counterfeiting, and other harmful behaviour.

3.8 Restricted Content

Restricted content includes content that:

  • depicts, promotes, or trades firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, explosive weapons or instructs on how to manufacture those weapons;
  • depicts, promotes, or trades drugs or other controlled substances such as tobacco and alcohol; or
  • promotes or provides gambling services, or that could be perceived as advertising for casinos, sports betting or any other commercial gambling activity.

3.9 Infringing Content

Infringing content includes content that:

  • violates or infringes the rights of any person, including intellectual property rights; or
  • violates the confidentiality of personal data or personally identifiable information (e.g., social security information).

3.10 Misleading Content

Misleading content includes content that:

  • involves spam or fake engagement, impersonation or misleading information that causes harm;
  • represents one person as another person or entity in a deceptive manner;
  • is inaccurate or false;
  • misinforms in a manner that causes harm to individuals or the larger public regardless of intent; or
  • promotes frauds or scams, or takes advantage of the trust of users and brings about financial or personal harm.

3.11 Content that Transmits Viruses

Content that transmits viruses includes content that contains or transmits viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other materials that are malicious or harmful.


4.1 Ad Format

You must only use approved ad formats as described below:

  • Splash
    • must be displayed upon app initialisation
    • after the display of the ad, the app must automatically enter the main screen
    • splash placement IDs may only be used for splash ad locations
  • Native Ads
    • must be displayed within native app or website content
    • native ads must feel naturally incorporated into the native UI but must be clearly differentiated from native app or website content to prevent misleading users
  • Banner
    • must be displayed at the top, bottom or between paragraphs of the screen, and must not be displayed within native app or website content, including text or images
    • must be clearly differentiated from native app or website content to prevent misleading users
    • if applicable, carousel ad setting must be turned on when creating an ad placement
  • Immersive Video Feed Ads
    • must be displayed within video stream
    • must be clearly differentiated from native app or website content to prevent misleading users
    • must not contain a reward for an ad view, unless it is a Rewarded Video Ad (as described below in this Policy)
  • Interstitial Static Image and Video
    • must be displayed at a natural user pause point, for example, upon pausing a video / upon reaching the end screen for a game level / upon returning to the main screen of an app
    • must not affect the user experience by suddenly appearing during a user interaction, for example, displaying ads on the loading screens or upon users exiting an app, or during gameplay
    • must not contain a reward for an ad view, unless it is a Rewarded Video Ad (as described below in this Policy)
    • must provide users with an option to skip the ad after 5 seconds
  • Rewarded Video Ads
    • must not be displayed automatically, i.e. users must choose to actively watch an ad for an in-app reward. Examples of rewarded video locations include: watch an ad to revive, watch an ad to unlock content, or watch an ad to speed up a cooldown time
    • must clearly display the reward and conditions for the rewarded video ad. Users must completely watch the rewarded video ad to receive the displayed reward
    • must not reward or incentivise users to click on the rewarded video end card or banner displayed during the video

4.2 Inventory Set-up

You must ensure that inventory is properly set up on its digital properties and ads are properly displayed as described below.

You must visibly tag and differentiate ad content from other native content of the digital property in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations and self-regulatory industry practice. Examples where ad content is not clearly differentiated from other native content include:

    • failing to leave a boundary between ad content and clickable native content, for example, blurring the ad frame and making it difficult for users to identify the boundary between ad content and native content; and
    • removing, covering or otherwise interfering with the successful rendering of any ad tag or ad label transmitted by Pangle.
  • Lock Screen Ads and Out-of-app Ads  

For mobile advertising, you must not display ads when the user's mobile device is locked. This includes not causing the user's mobile device screen to light up to display ads when the user's device is locked.   

For in-app mobile advertising, you must not display ads outside of the app. You must ensure that users are able to clearly identify which app the ad is associated with. You must not display ads to the user when their app is in the background of the mobile device or when the user is using other apps.

  • Ad Rendering

You must not cover or hide any of the ad content provided by Pangle and shall ensure that Pangle ads are not overlapped, in whole or in part, by any other content. Pangle ad content includes the Pangle ad label and any other materials made available by Pangle for display on your digital properties, including links, descriptions and ad creative materials.

Ads received from Pangle must be rendered as received without alteration of any kind except with express prior written approval of Pangle. Examples of unauthorised alterations include:

    • changing the ad landing page or download URL;
    • storing or extending caching for any ad content;
    • changing the display sequence for any ad content; and
    • altering the size of the close button on ad content.


We may from time to time revise and update this Policy. For major updates, we will endeavour to provide you with at least 7 days' prior notice by way of email and/or notice via the Pangle Platform. We encourage you to review this Policy regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version.